Good evening, church family!
We are shifting our Sunday morning worship service to an online-only streaming service and canceling our other ministries this weekend due to the winter weather expected tonight and Sunday. The National Weather Service has placed our area under a Winter Storm Warning and a Blizzard Warning until 6 p.m. on Sunday. Weather like this is best enjoyed in the safety of your own home and certainly off the roads!
But while we will not meet in person this Sunday, we do still have an opportunity to worship together…
I’m thankful for the blessing of online connections during these times. So I invite you to join us Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. on our YouTube channel. Pastor Nate will lead us in worship, and I’ll have a message for us from God’s Word.
Since we won’t be able to connect in person, I’d love to hear how you’re doing and how your Christmas and New Year’s celebrations went! I also want to know how I can pray for you! Email me at if you’d like to share.
Remember, you can still give your tithes and offerings through our online giving page.
Thanks again for your understanding. I pray each of you will stay safe and warm on this wild winter weekend, and I’ll “see” you online Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
--Pastor Billy