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Midweek Check-in (Feb. 19, 2025)

Good afternoon, church family!


I really enjoy the time and space we designate for the children of the church each Sunday, and I hope you do as well. We call it our Kids Moment, and it’s an opportunity for all of the children in attendance to come all the way to the front and participate in the worship service before they leave for children’s church.


If you missed this past Sunday, you missed something… unique. It involved a leaf blower, a paint roller, a roll of toilet paper and an irresponsible amount of duct tape. You can watch the 5-minute clip on our YouTube Channel. But the main point was to demonstrate just how much God loves each of us.


At the end of the Kids Moment, there was an entire roll of toilet paper unraveled on the ground. The demonstration was over. The kids had some fun. And we quickly moved on to a time of meet-and-greet and the rest of the worship service.


Well, that mess of toilet paper was quickly picked up, stuffed into a large bag and, to save on expenses, we’ll place it in the men’s restroom this coming Sunday for regular use (calm down, that’s a joke).


But here’s my question for us adults in this midweek check-in: What are you doing with the love God has lavished on you? That was more than just a silly demonstration – it was a universal truth. God has more love for you than you can possibly imagine. So… what are you going to do about it?


I’m not talking about repayment. We can’t possibly earn that love, and we certainly can’t do enough to call it even with God. I’m talking about taking that love that is lavished on us and sharing it with others. Whether they have earned your love or not, we are called to love others.


In fact, in the same place in the Bible where we’re told about the “great love the Father has lavished on us” (1 John 3:1), we’re also told “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other.” (1 John 3:14).


So as we are lavishly loved by God, so we should lavishly love others. Let’s not forget to put our faith into practice this week. And be sure to keep reading to see the latest announcements. Stay warm out there!


--Pastor Billy



MISSIONS LUNCHEON: Our next NMI (missions) luncheon is THIS SUDAY! (Feb. 23) right after the Sunday morning worship service. Just $10 per person will get you a delicious meal of chicken and noodles! Come hungry and help us raise some funds for missions.


CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: We have a slight location change for the next monthly meeting of the cancer support group. The meeting will take place this Saturday (Feb. 22) at 10 a.m in the church offices (enter through the south doors) due to the church lobby being used for early voting for the USD259 School Bond Election.


MEN’S BREAKFAST: The next men’s breakfast is Saturday, March 8 at 7:30 a.m. with special guest speaker Kansas District Superintendent Kendall Franklin! All men are welcome to attend this free event. Invite a friend and come hungry!


WOMEN’S MINISTRIES EVENT: Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 22 for our next ladies’ event. More details to come soon.




Hey, you read Pastor Billy's midweek check-in all the way to the end! As a reward, check out these crazy stories I came across recently:


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770 S Greenwich Rd Wichita, KS 67207  | |  Tel: 316-682-9522

Hours: Mon - Thurs: 9am-5pm,​​ ​Sunday: 9am-12pm

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